You can be intolerant to sugars, yeasts, milk, eggs, preservatives, and so on ...
We have decided to grind precious varieties of corn, rice, sorghum and buckwheat and to maintain all the organoleptic characteristics, the nutritional properties, the colors, and the taste unchanged.
How can we create gluten -free flours but with a unique taste?
In addition to processing and drying techniques and the choice of precise varieties, we chose to Do not add other ingredients to our flours:
- no preservatives - Our flours still last 1 year if well preserved
- No artificial tires or added starches - thanks to the different grains even very fine, so that the doughs bind well
- no added sugars - Only the natural sugars present in the cereal
- no hall hall - only the one naturally present in the cereal
- No milk or derivatives - For those suffering from lactic intolerance
- no animal derivatives - For those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet
- no yeasts - For those suffering from intolerances
So what do they contain?
It will seem incredible to you but they only contain and simply FLOUR.
Obviously only with a type of gluten -free flour is it difficult to prepare dishes such as pizza, bread and pasta, that's why we have created a Recipe book simple to use our flours and a Book For those who want to try their hand at more imaginative recipes.
For pizza, bread and pasta our recipes recommend the use of few natural starches, such as corn starch, potato starch, guar seed flour, agar agar, because they help to give structure to the dough that allows leavening.
The corn starch facilitates the link with fats, while the potato starch increases its softness, therefore they can also be used together in the same recipe.
The thing that is important for us is being able CHOOSE, We can recommend the best recipe but the dosage of the various ingredients depends on each of you: sweet, less sweet, salty, less salty.