Contacts and timetables

Timetables to the public store and customer service

MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY': 9/12.30 - 14.30/18.30

SATURDAY: 9.00/12.30 - 15.00/18.00 (point of sale)

Sunday and holidays closed (except for events)

Visits to the mill only during scheduled events

Point of sale: Via Pontestura, 80 - 15020 fireplace (al)


Telephone / What's App : 0142/697040

Cell. 351/8045884 (No Whats App)

And email -

Packs of 5/25 kg To be ordered at least 1/2 days working first (from Monday to Friday)


Marello Di Marello Guido farm

(Owner of the Mulino Marello brand and sorgotto)

Via Pontestura, 80 - 15020 fireplace (al)

VAT 02397570025 | C.F. Mrlgdu74h06b885k



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