Polenta 365

Polenta 365 Mulino Marello
Our project is to represent the Polenta as a dish suitable for every season, not just a winter dish, but which can be used all year round for preparations of sweet, salty and first dishes.
In our blog you will find imaginative recipes and suitable for all palates with our corn flour for stone-minded polenta.
Polenta from ancient corn
Our gluten-free polymers stem from the grinding of 5 varieties of prey corn including 3 ancient Piemonthesis native varieties, the red pin, the yellow octox and the island of the islandfor a perfumed and savory polenta.
What is polenta?
The polenta is produced by cooking a long corn flour (usually a large grains) and water.
The polenta in the past was poured into rain in boiling water and saltwater, in a copper paile and was continuously mixed with a stick of hazelnut wood, called "cinnamon", for at least an hour.
Usually minced in stone, crat thick or fine.
Usually the polenta ready was presented at the table on a round wooden axis covered by a canovt and cut to slices, with a wooden knife or with a cotton thread, from the bottom to the top.
How many types of polenta do exist?
The poles vary for the type of grinding grains, our stone grinded poles are broken down into :
Polenta bramatato fine grains, from the intense flavor, to the crunchy palate and decided.
Polenta flourishedto fine grains, from the delicate flavour, fragrant to the palate.
Polenta integralto medium, soft and creamy grains from the delicate taste.