Principe gluten -free flour, particularly suitable for all celiacs, to which we dedicate ourselves is that of corn, ground both in full and puppet form using different sieves to obtain the specific granulometry for the correct gastronomic application. From the cultivation of Different valuable varieties of vitrei corn and ancient Piedmontese autochthonous corn We can provide different flours for aromaticity, as well as for granulometry, satisfying any particular market demand in the high quality flour sector ground stone. The offer extends from flour for polenta to those for desserts and baked goods, up to those dedicated to breading and mixtures.
White sorghum flour
We dedicated a small agricultural surface to the cultivation of a particular variety of sorghum without tannins. The gluten -free sorgine flour we produce derives from the stone grinding very fine of white grain. The peculiarity is the absence of tannins and the high percentage of content starch. The taste of this flour is pleasant and soft, characteristics that make it very suitable for use in doughs for sweets and baking products, ideal for celiacs and people intolerant to gluten. The high percentage of starch helps to tie the doughs obtained from gluten -free flour mixtures, which by their nature have little aptitude to remain linked after cooking.
Rice flour is widely used in the most varied preparations, from white breading to biscuit mixtures, in addition to other mixes of different flours, to customize your recipe as well as to tie the dough. For our rice flours we made precise choices: the use of a variety with round chicco and the grinding only whole beans. We only use rice with round chicco because on average it guarantees a percentage of higher starch compared to fine and super fine varieties, helping to tie the dough during processing and cooking. Only whole rice grains, because this allows us to select the particular variety of rice desired with its specific qualities. On the market the rice flours derive almost all from the grinding of the so -called "broken", that is, from the broken grains discarded during the selection of the whole grains for risotto. The broken are mixed with each other and then ground and the result is a flour that is unknown nor the variety of rice of origin, nor the precise percentage of starch.
buckwheat flour
Our gluten -free buckwhence flour derives from the grinding of the decorticated grain, for this reason it is very clear, is also very fine to allow the dough to tie with the other ingredients.
It is suitable to mix with other flour for pizza, bread, desserts and baked goods in general.
Closed chain, we grow and work directly the cereals
We grow all the cereals that we grind directly in our farm, taking care of all the production phases:
- Sowing - We choose the best varieties of cereals and ancient varieties for our flours, using integrated agriculture techniques, with the rotation of fields and use of non -chemical fertilizers.
- Collection - We collect the cereals with our equipment so as not to have crushed contamination by gluten;
- Drying - We dry our cereals with an innovative radio frequency system, unique in Europe, with zero impact for the environment, which in addition to lowering humidity also reduces bacterial charges and maintains all the taste/olfactory properties and colors of the Cereal, in addition to guaranteeing a softer, voluminous flour and that works well in gluten -free doughs.
- Decorticura - We deceive cereals such as sorghum and buckwheat stone without the use of chemicals.
- Optical selection of the beans - We only select the whole beans and not the broken ones and only the healthy ones, to prevent the formation of mold, bacteria and mycotoxins, harmful to the body.
- Cleaning - After the optical selection and before grinding, we carry out further cleaning and brushing of the beans, for a clean and proof grain to be transformed into flour.
- Stone grinding - exclusively with natural stone, which not working at very high temperatures, maintains all the organoleptic properties of cereals unchanged.