Ancient corn

The ancient Piedmontese corn
We dedicate some small plots to the cultivation ofAncient varieties of Piedmontese autochthonous corn as Yellow Ottofile, Red Pignoletto and Nostrano of the island.
They are very aromatic varieties cultivated in the past until a few decades ago and then abandoned, preferring the cultivation of more productive varieties. In fact, the rendering of the grain of these varieties is very small, around 25 quintals hectare against made even 4-5 times higher than the new hybrids. Features such as shape, color, aromatic composition are very different among these corn.
Red Pignoletto Corn
The grain has a rostrate shape, intense red semivothyrea with orange shades, the size of the seeds is small, the cobs have a variable number of ranks ranging from 13 to 22, the length is average quite standardized, however they are located at Sometimes very enlarged specimens at the base and short enough as if they had been crushed, the average production per hectare with 12% humidity is around 25 quintals for both red and yellow.
Ottofile yellow corn
This corn is so called because it has 8 races (seed files around the tutolo), the grain has a quite crushed round, semi -vitrea, intense yellow color, still present also small red grain crops and even less white grain, The length of the tutolo is medium but it is not uncommon to find also very long cobs. The average production in hectare with 12% humidity is around 22 quintals for the yellow and 15-18 quintals for the red and white one, the taste of ground flour for polenta is pleasant, perhaps the most round and soft among all the Piedmontese ecotypes .
Nostrano corn of the island
The local corn of the island has very small grains, tending to roundness, semi -glassy, intense yellow in color with orange shades. The tutolo, and therefore also the cob, is slender and sometimes even reaches 30 centimeters in length in some specimens. The shape is on average tapered, the number of ranks vary from 12 to 20, the average production per hectare with 12% humidity is around 16-18 quintals.