Sorghum vegetable meatballs and Calviore

Inserted by Rosa Rizzo the



Ingredients for 4 people, about 16 pieces

50 gr of Il Sorgotto Marello Mill Sorgho White in Decortic Beans

1 cauliflower

Mais flour The crunchy for Mill Mill q.B.

2 tablespoons about sorghum flour Mill Marello

Extra virgin olive oil Q.B.

Salt to taste.

Aromatic herbs or spices to taste


Leave the sorghum to soak in a water basin for a couple of hours. Rinse it and boil it in salted water for about 20 -25 minutes. Cooked for absorption or drain. Let warm up. Meanwhile cook the cauliflower for about 15 minutes. In a bowl mixed together the sorghum with cauliflower, crushed with the fork or if necessary use the blender to soften and betterlyish the mixture. Regulated salt, if pleasant spices or aromatic herbs and add a spoonful of oil. Help with sorghum flour and then corn to form meatballs and place them on the baking pan. Cook at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes, until they become slightly golden.

A different way to use the sorghum.

Not only sores with legumes and vegetables, not just soups, but of the meatballs to be enriched with the vegetables that we like most.

A few ingredients are enough to make sure an appetizing, nutritious and genuine meal and few steps are enough to not weight fat our dish. It is not necessary, in fact, do suffered in oil and even need prolonged cooking.

It is a way this way to make more attractive to children, boys and watchless gluten-free cereals to whom maybe they are not yet accustomed, like the sorghum precisely, or to make vegetables like cabbage, spinach or legumes more welcome.

I chose the cauliflower, purely winter vegetable like the whole cabbage family, to take to the table often and with imagination. Getting used a couple of times a week eating broccoli, cabbage and sprouts is an important choice for our health thanks to their richness of antioxidants, fibers and minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium in interesting quantities.

I also remember that the sorghum is a very gluten-free cereal really digestible and with a delicate flavor, which makes it really versatile in the kitchen. The consistency then slightly sticky similar to the mile, makes it a valid alternative to the latter cereal more commonly used for recipes of this type.

You can bring the sorghum meatballs and cauliflower to the table after a velvety of carrots, red lentils and turmeric, along with a radicchio and valerian salad. Or as a single dish with a contour of legumes like chickpeas or peas or baked fennel maybe prepared together, to optimize cooking and using the oven.

Article by Dr. Isabella Vendrame - Psychologist Food Coach, writer and disclosure.

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