200 g ofMolino Marello buckwheat buckwheat or
alternativelyMix of natural flours for pizza and Molino Marello focaccia
Salt to taste.
Water to taste
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Put the flour in a bowl, add the salt and oil, start adding a little water and mix, add water slowly until with your hands you will be able to obtain a homogeneous, soft but handmade panettino.
Take some parchment paper and spread it on the work surface, divide your dough into several parts and with the help of the rolling pin, roll out the various parts on the parchment paper. Take a glass or a round pasta cup and form many thin disks, help yourself with a little flour to work the pasta with a rolling pin. The parchment paper means that the pasta does not stick to the work surface.
Once the disks are obtained, cook them in a hot non -stick pan, cook a few minutes on both sides until the surface is beautiful colorful and the bubbles will form.
Serve hot or cold with cured meats or cheeses.
….mi son dimenticata un pò di riposo in frigo prima di stendere!
ho scoperto in rete un trucchetto stupendo per rendere l’impasto più elastico e malleabile sia in fase di lavorazione che nella piadina ultimata, che rimane morbida (piegabile)e non rigida. L’ho provato con la vostra farina il risultato è stupendo. basta aggiungere l’acqua molto calda invece che fredda. ciao